Sister Caritas Cancer Center Journey of Courage Commemorative Wall
The Journey of Courage Commemorative Wall is a timeless, majestic glass wall located in the waiting room of the Davis Radiation Oncology Wing of the Sister Caritas Cancer Center and is viewed by thousands of patients, visitors and volunteers every year. The purchase of a commemorative inscription is a genuine expression of your gratitude for the care received at the Sister Caritas Cancer Center, as well as a fitting permanent celebration of the life of a loved one.
A commemorative inscription can be used to celebrate someone's service in the community, in memory of a loved one, or to commemorate a special occasion. Commemorative inscriptions can be obtained by making a donation of $1,000 for a full brick or $500 for a half brick. Your inscription will be displayed on the wall located in the Sister Caritas Cancer Center, and Mercy Medical Center's Office of Philanthropy Department will send notification of your gift with a photograph to the individual(s) identified on the enclosed form.
To order your inscription, please complete the form found in the Journey of Courage Wall brochure.
For questions, please call 413-748-9920.